The Garden Club of Celebration sponsors two social luncheons each season. A Holiday Luncheon takes place in December and club members are asked to bring “gifts” to be donated to local families in need. At the Spring Luncheon in April we honor the high school seniors who are recipients of the Garden Club of Celebration Scholarships.
Save the Date for the 2025 Spring Luncheon
Wednesday, April 16
Heritage Hall – Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
$20 per member
Lunch catered by Olive Garden

The 2024 Spring Luncheon was held on Wednesday, April 10 at Heritage Hall. Club members feasted on a buffet from Texas Roadhouse and donated items from the Wish List of the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey. The highlight of the event was the presentation of our 2024 Scholarships. Only one of the recipients, Lillie Gibbs, was able to attend and everyone enjoyed getting to know her, her mother and sister.

The 2023 Holiday Luncheon was held on Wednesday, December 13th at Heritage Hall, catered by Buca di Peppo. The change of venue, and the catered lunch, was a success and a big thank you goes out to Social Chairperson, Rita Roberts and her committee, and to Jaime and Jeff Eriks who made the luncheon happen.

Members donated new sets of towels and pillows to HelpNow, a local organization that provides advocacy and shelter for victims of domestic abuse, and two members of the HelpNow staff talked to us about their organization.