Jeff Eriks and his son Lachlan brought their garden tools and met up with Brad Wagoner to reset trees and spruce up the library pollinator and memorial gardens. Several of our memorial program trees had been blown at a severe angle and one blown completely over. We staked and tied down trees where needed. At the memorial garden we found most of the low lying plants and shrubs in good shape. After cleaning up broken branches and such, we cut down two Yellow Trumpet Tabliabua trees that have blown over in each of the last three hurricanes. Their time was up this time as they could not be saved this time. All in all the trees and plants could have been in much worse shape.
We will have a better cleanup and planting get together at 8:00 on Friday, October 25. Please show up and help us get the gardens in good shape for the Foundations Memorial Service on November 2. Trimming, planting and weeding. Come prepared for an hour or so of work.