Club Meetings

Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month*, September through April. Meetings begin with social time from 8:30 to 9:00 a.m. At 9:00 we have a short club meeting, followed by a featured speaker and a question and answer period, wrapping up at 10:30. The December meeting is a Holiday Luncheon and the April meeting the Spring Luncheon.

  • September 18 –  Toho water authority is the meeting lecture group. They will discuss water issues that Florida is currently facing and what the future of water in Florida will be.  Both fresh water and reuse water supplies are running low.
  • October 16 – October 16.  Lorna Sauter will present a lecture on butterflies and pollinators. Now that we have a large new pollinator garden in town, let’s learn more about different butterflies and pollinators that we can help increase in numbers. 
  • November 20 –  Microgreens are healthy food and are easy to grow. Joseph Longhany presents on what Microgreens are, why they are good for you and how to grow them. He is offering kits and can do classes for members that wish to grown microgreens at home.  He has a business that sells microgreens at farmers markets including at the Celebration Farmer Market. 
  • December 18 – Holiday Luncheon
  • January 15 – Robert Bowden, retired director of Leu Gardens, will be giving a presentation on easy to care for, out of the ordinary flowers that grow well in Central Florida. 
  • February 19 – We will have two speakers – first speaker will be Derek Cummings, director of Creation Village World School, and the second speaker will be club member Scott Lussier. Scott is a certified master arborist in Pennsylvania. He has worked for Longwood Gardens in Philadelphia as we as running his own tree service.
  • March 19 – Our speaker will be Alex Luna  from the environmental non-profit, Ideas For Us. Alex, and others in his group, take on projects to help schools and other organizations meet environmental challenges. The garden club worked with Ideas For Us and Mattamy Homes to erect three raised bed gardening set ups at the new elementary school in Island Village. IDEAS For Us is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a mission to develop fund, and scale solutions to solve the world’s most pressing environmental challenges.Visit their website to learn more before our March meeting
  • April 15 – Spring Luncheon*

* We are in need of a volunteer to chair the luncheon committee. Interested members should email Brad at

Robert Bowden, retired director of Leu Gardens, gave a presentation on Perennials That Thrive in Florida Gardens. He hit a snag when his computer would not connect to the Heritage Hall system, and he had to rely on showing his laptop screen. He graciously sent us a copy of his slideshow to share with club members. It is available for viewing in the Member Portal of this website. The Member Portal is password protected, and the password changes every November. If you need help with the password contact Club President Brad.

The Garden Club of Celebration’s November meeting welcomed Joe from Plant Prana  Wellness.  He spoke to us about seeding and harvesting. We sampled radish and broccoli greens.

The October meeting of the Garden Club of Celebration welcomed Lorna Sauter as ourguest speaker. We learned the importance of butterflies, pollinators, and which plants are needed in a pollinator garden.

On Wednesday, September 18, 2024, the Garden Club of Celebration had our monthly meeting
at Heritage Hall. We were excited to welcome a representative of the Toho Water Authority as our guest speaker. She shared water conservation techniques, and explained the relationship between reclaimed water, potable water, and the aquifer. The presentation was followed by an informative question and answer session. Everyone was invited to take home gifts that help with water conservation.

Visit our Photos Page to see more photos from the September 18th meeting.