Garden Club Builds Raised Beds at Island Village School

On February 7, the garden club, along with IDEAS for us and Mattamy Homes, erected and set up two raised bed gardens for the new, student run garden club at Island Village elementary school. Two teachers are taking it upon themselves to teach the kids about where their food comes from, and what it takes to grow their own food. Our club is supplying seeds, tools, storage bins and information on how to use raised beds. The Island Village school is working with Creation Village World school to share ideas and avoid the big mistakes that can occur when starting up a new program. Good synergy!

Be a part of taking the Great Southeast Pollinator Census

Garden enthusiasts in Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Florida will counting pollinators on Saturday and Sunday this weekend. Cindy, who is working on her Master Gardener certification, will supervise counting at the new, pollinator garden in Deer Woods Park, and she is inviting you to help with the census.

Your job, should you choose to accept? Pick a plant in the park and watch it for 15 minutes, counting how many pollinators visit the plant during that time. Report your count to Cindy, who will be uploading the information to a website that will be recording counts from all four states.

As an added bonus, free LEMONAIDE (while supply lasts).

A Little Help From Our Friends

Last spring members of the Garden Club planted a Pollinator Garden at the Celebration Library. Recently, students from the Creation Village School came out to do weeding an maintenance on the garden. We are so grateful for their help!

Coming Soon – Celebration Pollinator Gardens

I had a meeting with Brian Causey, owner of Exquisite Landscaping and the caretaker of all of CROA related parks. He said that the CROA board voted to allow seven new garden areas within Deerwood Park in Celebration. The gardens will be themed as pollinator and Florida native plant gardens. He is asking the garden club to help design and plant the gardens which will occur in March 2024. The club and schools will help determine the type of plant, how many plants of each type, the design within the garden and then assist with planting the garden. He and the club are doing this with the help of other groups in town. Lexin and Creation Village school are two of the other groups involved and we are hoping to do this with the public K-8 school also. Brian’s group will prepare the garden, run irrigation, buy the plants, mulch the gardens and maintain them afterwards. We are to help design and plant them initially and then help keep an eye on them. There is no cost to the club for this. The gardens will each have anywhere from 50-250 plants in them and should be a great addition to our community. More details being fleshed out as we go. 


Sprucing Up the Memorial Garden

On Friday, October 27, Meryl Rachlin led a group of early risers to spruce up and replant some of the plants in the Memorial Garden to get it ready for the Foundation Memorial service next weekend. Some plants don’t over summer well and others just die and need replacing after a few growing seasons.

Thank you to the six club volunteers that showed up to do this big yearly duty. The rest of the year the six sections of the garden are overseen by individual members but sometimes they need a little help. Thanks to CROA with help in buying some plants and with Brian Causey of Exquisite lawn care for removing all of the trimmings. A special thanks to Bob Boyer and Kathy Carlson in supplying some of the other plants.