Garden Club Board Elections 2025

The Celebration Garden Club held elections at the March 19, 2025 general club meeting at Heritage Hall. Nominations for all positions were made at the February meeting, and the nomination period for all positions was open until the election was held.

The election winners and the new board members will take office in May 1, 2025.

President- Cindy Smith
Co-Vice Presidents- Dorothy Bracey, Kathy Gordy
Treasurer-Bob Boyer
Secretary- Jaime Eriks
Community Liason-Brad Wagoner

Thank you to the new board members for making themselves available to the Club for the next two years. The membership looks forward to your leadership. 

Garden Club Builds Raised Beds at Island Village School

On February 7, the garden club, along with IDEAS for us and Mattamy Homes, erected and set up two raised bed gardens for the new, student run garden club at Island Village elementary school. Two teachers are taking it upon themselves to teach the kids about where their food comes from, and what it takes to grow their own food. Our club is supplying seeds, tools, storage bins and information on how to use raised beds. The Island Village school is working with Creation Village World school to share ideas and avoid the big mistakes that can occur when starting up a new program. Good synergy!

Post-Milton Cleanup

Jeff Eriks and his son Lachlan brought their garden tools and met up with Brad Wagoner to reset trees and spruce up the library pollinator and memorial gardens. Several of our memorial program trees had been blown at a severe angle and one blown completely over. We staked and tied down trees where needed. At the memorial garden we found most of the low lying plants and shrubs in good shape. After cleaning up broken branches and such, we cut down two Yellow Trumpet Tabliabua trees that have blown over in each of the last three hurricanes. Their time was up this time as they could not be saved this time. All in all the trees and plants could have been in much worse shape.

We will have a better cleanup and planting get together at 8:00 on Friday, October 25. Please show up and help us get the gardens in good shape for the Foundations Memorial Service on November 2. Trimming, planting and weeding. Come prepared for an hour or so of work.

Field Trip – Festival of Trees Orlando

November 16, 2024

Fill in the Registration Form and you will be automatically registered for the Field Trip. You will receive an email confirmation. To make sure the confirmation does not land in your spam folder, please add the Garden Club email address –GARDENCLUBOFCELEBRATION@GMAIL.COM – to your contacts. Please be sure to purchase you tickets for the event in advance from EventBrite – Link to purchase tickets.
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Add a Pollinator Garden to Your Yard

The Celebration Garden Club supports the planting of pollinator plants in Celebration gardens. These gardens attract pollinator insects and help increase their numbers​​by giving them food sources that are being wiped out through urban expansion and herbicide/pesticide use.

The Club has an anonymous donor who will reimburse half the cost of planting pollinator gardens! Just get your plants from Green Isle Gardens, near Clermont, and send the receipt and your contact information to docwags@gmail.comYou will be reimbursed as soon as your receipt is received. 

Green Isle Gardens is a wonderful nursery with helpful staff who can help you with your plant list, even if you know very little about good pollinator plants for this area. You can also find a list of good pollinator plants online.  So please help out the pollinators (butterflies, moths, and bees) while helping out your pocketbook. The Garden Club thanks you!

Before you start planting your own pollinator garden, it’s important to review theDesign Guidelines/Plant Guides and receive ARC approval. This step ensures that your garden not only supports our local ecosystem but also enhances the beauty of our community.

2024 Garden Club Scholarships

Last Spring, in partnership with the Education Foundation of Osceola County, the Garden Club awarded three $2000 scholarship. Two of the recipients sent us thank you notes – displayed below. We are happy we were able to play a small part in helping these three young woman as they embark on the next part of their educational journeys.

Be a part of taking the Great Southeast Pollinator Census

Garden enthusiasts in Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Florida will counting pollinators on Saturday and Sunday this weekend. Cindy, who is working on her Master Gardener certification, will supervise counting at the new, pollinator garden in Deer Woods Park, and she is inviting you to help with the census.

Your job, should you choose to accept? Pick a plant in the park and watch it for 15 minutes, counting how many pollinators visit the plant during that time. Report your count to Cindy, who will be uploading the information to a website that will be recording counts from all four states.

As an added bonus, free LEMONAIDE (while supply lasts).

We Support Outdoor Learning

The garden club donated funds for four new, heavy duty picnic tables for the students of the Creation Village School. We also supplied protective coating material so that the tables will last a long time out in the extreme Florida weather.  They are heavily used daily for outdoor classes.